Rulings and issues related to Ramadan P2

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
In the name of Allah,  the Merciful Lord, the Giver of Mercy 
 Written by

Abdulmonem Mostafa Halimah

Abu Baseer Al-Tartousi

Translated by Walaa Halimah
Part Tow
2. Before the start of Ramadan 
The month of Shaban is the month that precedes Ramadan, in which good deeds are raised to heaven and hence it is recommended to fast numerously in it, as the prophet peace be upon him did and in order to train oneself for fasting and worshiping during Ramadan. It has been authentically reported that the prophet peace be upon him said:
" شعبان بيْن رجب ورمضان يغفل الناس عنه تُرفع فيه أعمال العباد فأحب أن لا يُرفع عملي إلا وأنا صاْئم "
{Shaban is between Rajab and Ramadan, people tend to not take notice of it, the deeds of servants are raised during it, and I wish that my deeds are only raised whilst I am fasting}.12
Additionally, it has been reported in Bukhari and Muslim that Aisha may Allah be pleased with her said:
" ما رأيتُ رسولَ الله فِى شهرٍ أكثر صيْاماً منه فِى شعبان " 
     ‘I have not seen the Messenger of Allah fast in a month as much as he used to in Shaban’.
Of further importance is, that on the night of the middle of Shaban Allah forgives all His servants, except for those who set up partners with Him and for the hating disputers.
The prophet peace be upon him said: 
 يَطَّلِعُ اللهُ إلى جميعِ خلقِه ليلةَ النصفِ من شعبان فيغفرُ لجميع خلقه إلا لمشركٍ أو مُشاحِن
{Allah looks at all His creation on the night of the middle of Shaban, He forgives them all, except for those who set up partners with Him and for the hating disputers}.13
He peace be upon him also said:  
" إنَّ الله يَطِلعُ على عباده فِى ليلةِ النصفِ من شعبان فيغفرُ للمؤمنيْن ويُُملي للكافرين ويدَع أهلَ الحقدِ بحقدهم حتَّى
يدَعوه "
{Indeed Allah looks at His servants on the night of the middle of Shaban, He forgives the believers, extends chances to the disbelievers and leaves the haters to their hate until they call upon Him}.
It is not permissible however, to join the fasting of the month of Shaban with the fasting of the month of Ramadan and one should stop fasting on the mid of Shaban due to the following instructions from the prophet peace be upon him: 
" إذا انتصفَ شَعبان فلا تصوموا "
{When the mid of Shaban hits then do not fast}, and :
" إذا انتصفَ شَعبان فلا تصوموا حتَّى يكون رمضان "
{When the mid of Shaban hits then do not fast until Ramadan}. 
The prophet peace be upon him also said:
" لا تصوموا قبل رمضان "
{Do not fast before Ramadan} 
And :
" لا تقدموا رمضان بصوم يومٍ ولا يوميْن إلا رجلاً يصوم يوْماً فليصمه "
{Do not fast a day or two before Ramadan except a person who must, then they may} meaning unless they have made a vow or are making up compulsory fasts.
In fact, fasting a day before Ramadan out of doubt that it may have been the first day of Ramadan rather than the last day of Shaban is extremely discouraged. Silah bin Zufr said, ‘we were with Ammar bin Yasir on a day that we were doubting to be the first day of Ramadan, he brought a roast lamb and said: ‘eat’, but some people abstained and said they were fasting, Ammar then said:
" من صاْم اليوم الذي شُكَّ فيه فقد عصى أبا القاسم "
‘Whoever fasts a day in which there is doubt, as to whether it is the first day of Ramadan or not, has disobeyed Aba Al Qasim (Muhammad peace be upon him)
The reason for this is because fasting should never be based on doubt but rather on certainty, which can only be achieved through moon sighting   

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