An Introduction to the Quran - The inimitability and Language

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Language Introduction
The inimitable beauty of the Qur'an and Muslim worship for her, the language of the Koran and its historical impact on Islamic civilization . Quran

Muslims are absolutely convinced of the greatness and importance of the Koran, which usually mentioned with epithets like "noble", "glorious" and "pure" . What bothers both Muslims recite the Quran , seeing his verses , or when barely touched ?
Language Introduction
The style of the Qur'an is the unparalleled beauty and power and divine. Try as he might , can not write a paragraph that is comparable to a verse from the Book revealed . This should be part of the literary value of the text and of the effectiveness of the words - the processing and energy saving - which is inimitable .
Language Moves from one illiterate shepherd to tears when he recited , and has shaped the lives of millions of ordinary people for almost fourteen centuries has drawn some of the known records of the most powerful spirits of men stopped sophisticated in their parts and devout believers of them , and was the source of more subtle philosophy and an art that expresses its deepest meaning in visual terms, nomadic tribes took humanity as well as communities and civilizations in which their presence is evident even to the most casual observer .Language Introduction

Reciting the Quran is the most sublime and uplifting the Muslim occupation , even if he or she does not understand intellectually his words , as is the case with most non-believers - Arabs. The will of the Muslims to recite the Quran as nicely as possible , and the art of correct recitation tilāwat , has become a science.
Language Even when reciting the book without embellishment, observe certain rules of recitation . Quran The Hafiz , which "preserves " the Quran , which is known by heart, is highly respected , and boys and girls are sent at an early age to the mosque to mark the " Book" . Language

In order not to tarnish the sanctity of the Qur'an , we must ensure that it is left in a place where someone can accidentally stand , sit or not the disrespect that is extremely hated to use any book , let alone the Quran , as an accessory to hold anything .
Language When not playing , the Muslim will replace the shelf in the library or on the lectern . Some people carefully wrapped in a towel to protect and to manage when it is in a state of purity , if necessary. Quran They also like to make sure it is placed above other books , and avoid just get out Koran. It is absolutely forbidden to take the place of a urinating or defecating or a place of major impurity ( toilets , sinks , flock of sheep from the city sewers , etc. . ) Even the narrator in these places is a thing to do .

Language of the Qur'an
The Qur'anic worldview is closely related to the Arabic language , which , like Hebrew and Aramaic ( the language spoken by Jesus) , belongs to the Semitic family .
Quran The Koran specifically defined as " Arabic Script " , and the message is determined by the complex structure of language, a fundamentally different structure from that of any European language.  The internal logic of the Semitic languages ​​is very different from the Indo - European , as English, Latin, Sanskrit and Persian. Each Arabic word can be traced to a verbal root of three, four or five consonants derived from up to twelve different verbal ways , with a number of nouns and adjectives . Quran This is considered the triliteral root , and specific words that are formed from the insertion of long and short vowels and adding prefixes and suffixes . Language The root itself is "dead" - unspeakable - to life , that is sung by the vocal , and is based on the bet that the basic meaning is developed in a number of different directions. The root has sometimes been described as the "body", while the vocalization is the "soul " or that is at the root of a large tree grows . Without understanding the meaning and concepts of the Arabic words , it is impossible to appreciate the richness of meanings associated with the difficulty of translating the English words , and the interrelationship between the Arabic words that are evident in the original. Language Introduction
The concern of the Muslims with the sublime language of the Koran grew in the study of grammar and rhetoric , especially when they - the Arabs entered the fold of Islam in increasing numbers and had to be taught about the characteristics of the language of revelation . The belief that the book was untranslatable forced those who embraced Islam to learn Arabic or at least be familiar with the Arabic alphabet. Many times , these nations have indeed driven to adopt Arabic as their native language , as is the case in all Arab countries except the Arabian Peninsula. This has huge implications for other languages ​​such as Persian , other Turks , Malays and many who have adopted the Arabic script .
Quranic Words and expressions are also used in many high literature and in everyday conversation , even among non - Arab and non - Arab Muslims . Language Introduction
Surat  Al-Shura in Arabic, English and French

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