Did God Become Man ? - Did God Become Man, - Can God Become Man ?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why logically the concept of God
to become a part of his creation,
in contradiction with the basic
meaning of "God", and vice versa
The question that remains is what God made ​​man ? Logically speaking , the answer is no , because the concept of God became man in contradiction to fundamental meaning people often say that God is able to do all things " God. " All he wants to do, I can do. In the Christian Bible says, " ... with God all things are possible ( Matthew 19 : 26, Mark 10 : 27, 14: 36 ) . "
The Koran says that Muslims :
" ... Indeed , Allah ( God) is able to do all things. " ( Quran 2:20 )

... Hindu scriptures and texts are similar meanings.

All major religious texts contain general expressions regarding the basic concept of the omnipotence of God. He is greater than all , and by Him all things are possible. If this general concept , must be translated into practice, we must first identify and understand the basic attributes of God. Most companies consider God as an eternal , without beginning or end. If , on the basis that God is able to do all things, and asked if He can die , would be the answer ? Since death is a part of " all things" , you might say : "If he wants ? " Of course , you can not say.

So there's a problem here. God is defined as being alive , endless, and dying means "coming to an end. " Therefore, to ask if he can die is actually an absurd question . It is self-contradictory . Similarly, to ask if God can be born , is also absurd because God has already been defined as eternal , without beginning . To be born is to have a beginning, coming into existence after not existing . Similarly, atheists theistic philosophers have asked, " God can create a stone so heavy that He can not lift it? " If a believer says yes , it means that God can create something greater than himself . And if he says no , it means that God is able to do all things.

Therefore, the phrase " all things " in the phrase "God is able to do all things" excludes the absurdities . You can not include things that contradict His divine attributes , the things that make less than God , like, forgetting , sleeping, repenting , growing , eating, etc. Instead , it only includes " all things" that are compatible with its divine character . This is what the statement " God is able to do all things " means. Can not be understood in the absolute sense , must be qualified.

The claim that God became man is also nonsense. Not worthy of God to take on human characteristics because it means that the Creator became His creation. However, the creation is a product of the creative act of the Creator. If the Creator became His creation, would mean that the Creator has created itself , which is an obvious absurdity . To create , you should first do not exist, and if not, then how could create ? Also, if established, would mean that it had a beginning , which also contradicts his eternal being . By definition , creation need a creator. For created beings to exist , must be creative to make it there . God does not need a creator because God is the Creator. Therefore, there is an apparent contradiction in terms . The claim that God became His creation implies that need a creator , it's a ridiculous concept . Contradicts the fundamental concept to be God uncreated , not required to be creative and the Creator .
Man can become God ?

Man is a finite being (ie creation). Man is born and dies. These are features that can not be attributed to God because they compare it with their creation . Therefore, God can not and will never become a man. On the other hand , man can become God . Creation can not be its own creator. The creation while not exist. It came into existence by the act of the creation of a Creator that has always existed . What is existent itself can not exist .

On the parallel notion that the human soul or spirit is God , is a way of saying that man can become God. This philosophy is the basis of Greek mysticism , Christian and Muslim and Hindu theology , and extends divinity to all humans, and perhaps all living things . It is assumed that at some point in the history of the universe , God is surrounded by scraps of material bodies and were confined to the earth. In other words, the infinite became contained in the finish. This belief attributes evil to God and finally removes the sense of right and wrong together. When the human soul intends evil and does so with the permission of God , such an act is pure evil and deserves to be punished. Therefore invented the concept of Karma. What goes around comes around. Karma explains inexplicable suffering by claiming that it is the consequence of evil in a previous life . God ultimately punishes all the evil done by parts of itself in man. However, if human souls have independent will of God can not be both God. Therefore, each man himself becomes a god.

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