Did God Become Man? - A Natural Belief in God

Thursday, November 7, 2013
The belief in one God and His service is 
one that is inherent in all human beings

The vast majority of human beings have always believed in God. From the oldest to the most primitive of modern societies civilizations , religions with God at the center form the basis of human culture . In fact, the denial of the existence of God ( atheism) throughout history has been limited to a few individuals to the advent of communism in the 20th century . Even today , in Western secular societies where modern social scientists armed with Darwinian theories have argued that God is a product of the collective imagination of humanity , the vast majority of citizens , secular and even scientists , are cling to their belief in God.

Therefore, the large amount of archaeological evidence to support the existence of God has led some anthropologists to conclude that belief in God ( deism ) must be inborn and not learned . Although the vast majority of social scientists also proposed , recent scientific findings seem to support the minority view that deism is innate. In an article entitled " God spot in the brain ," Dr. Vilayanur Ramachandran of the University of San Diego Ca nia , said the phenomenon of religious belief in God is wired in the brain.

  • Point God ' is found in the brain
    by Steve Connor
    Science Correspondent
    Scientists believe they have discovered a " God module " in the brain , which could be responsible for the evolutionary human instinct to believe in religion.
    A study of epilepsy , which is known to have deep spiritual experiences has located a circuit of nerves in front of the brain , which appears to become electrically active when they think of God.

    The scientists said that although the research and its results are preliminary , preliminary results indicate that the phenomenon of religious belief is " wiring " of the brain .

    Epileptic patients with frontal lobe seizures said they frequently experience intense mystical episodes and often become obsessed with religious spirituality

    A team of neuroscientists at the University of California at San Diego , said the most intriguing explanation is that however causes an over-stimulation of the nerves in a part of the brain called the " God module " .
    Man"It could be affected neural machinery in the temporal lobes concerned with religion . This may have evolved to impose order and stability in society," the team said in a conference last week .The results indicate that if a person believes in religion or even God may depend on how to improve this part of the electrical circuit of the brain.Dr. Vilayanur Ramachandran , director of the research team , said the study involved comparing epileptic patients with normal people and a group who called themselves intensely religious .Electrical sensors in the skin - a standard test for activity in the temporal lobes of the brain - have shown that epilepsy and deeply religious displayed a similar response when these words invoking spiritual beliefs.Evolutionary scientists have suggested that belief in God, which is a common feature in human societies around the world and throughout history, it can be integrated into a complex brain circuitry as a Darwinian adaptation to encourage cooperation between individuals .If the research is correct and there is a " God module " then would suggest that people who are atheists would have a different neural circuit .A spokesman for Richard Harries , Bishop of Oxford , said that if there is a "God module " is a question for scientists, not theologians. " It would not be surprising if God created us with physical installation of the faith ," he said . [The Sunday Times, 2 Nov. 97, p. 19]

Despite growing evidence that man is wired with a "physical facility of belief, " the fact that the concept of God has varied greatly among human societies still leads some thinkers , even those who believe in God , concluded that religions must be synthetic. However, extensive research reveals a common theological among different religions . This link is the belief in a supreme being among the various gods , monotheistic basis can be found even in the outermost pantheistic religious systems . For example , the concept of God in Hinduism is one example among many religions , which supports the idea that humans were originally monotheistic and through various degenerative processes became polytheistic . Despite their many gods and idols , Hinduism has one supreme God above all , Brahman .

Traditionally , most anthropologists have concluded that religion dedicated to the different stages of polytheism to monotheism , beginning with the deification of the forces of human nature at first , and eventually fall in ditheism consolidate all powers supernatural into two main gods ( god of good and a god of evil ) , and finally simplify the belief in one God , monotheism .

Thus religion , anthropologists and sociologists , it is of divine origin, is simply a byproduct of the evolution of the superstitions of primitive man, based on his lack of scientific knowledge. Therefore, these theorists believe that science will eventually unlock all the secrets of nature , resulting in the lack of use of religion to explain natural phenomena and the consequent extinction of all religion.

Innate belief against a supreme being, however, seems to support the opposite view , proposing that man began monotheistic , but in time , lost in its various forms of polytheism . This view is supported by the fact that all calls primitive tribes who were "discovered " , were found to maintain a belief in a Supreme Being. Whatever its evolutionary stage of religious development is found to have been at the time of the "discovery " , the majority is to believe in a supreme God above all other gods and spirits . As such , the concept of a Supreme Being remains in most religion as evidence that the masses away from monotheism to certain attributes of God to other aspects of the creation , which has come to be regarded as minor gods in some cases and as intercessors in others. However, a Supreme God , in whatever form , is at the heart of most religions. [As God said in the Quran: “So set you your face towards the religion, hanifan (steering away from the association of any others with God), the nature [framed by] God with which He has created humankind. No change let there be in the creation of God, that is the straight religion, but most men do not know.” (Quran 30:30)]

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